Worship through GivingGiving faithfully of our tithes and offerings, touches our lives in deep and meaningful ways. Giving helps to keep our heart free from the love of money, and helps to cultivate a generous spirit in all areas of life.
Please use these online tools to facilitate your giving at New Destiny Church. |
This button uses Paypal for online donations and gifts.
You do not need a Paypal account to utilize this method of giving.
You do not need a Paypal account to utilize this method of giving.
You can also give through the following methods:
[]via cheque, cash, debit or credit card at any public service of New Destiny Church [] Send a cheque in the mail to New Destiny Church, P.O. Box 324, Stn Main, Edmonton, AB T5J 2J6 [] send an e-transfer to [email protected] [] Donate by calling the Church office and making a credit card donation over the phone (780) -424-6422 Please include your complete return address to receive an income tax deductible receipt for your donation at the beginning of the year following the year of your donation. The best way to give is to general tithes and offerings, this enables us to use the funds where most needed, or to specifically mandated projects. If you wish to donate to a specific cause, such as a Missions event, or Street Level Outreach, or building fund, please indicate so on your giving envelope or other correspondence related to the donation. |